ICG Consulting has excellent experience in search for appropriate and advanced materials, consulting for material use in these or those applications, etc. in the following:

  • Automotive
  • Machinery & Equipment
  • Metals
  • Chemical & Petrochemical
  • Construction & Infrastructure

Case Studies

Challenge: EU-based client working in detergent business wanted to improve performance of homogenous oxidation catalysts that function in aqueous solution. In particular, a client wanted to have new catalysts that could function in high pH solutions (up to pH10). 

Approach/Value: ICG – in collaboration with few partner R&D chemical labs – could identify and suggested to a client few ligand and metal complexes as aqueous oxidation/bleaching agents.

Challenge: International manufacturer wanted to make R&D in disinfection products; a client looked for R&D labs with ability to source agents/compounds and make formulations as well as to conduct performance and stability tests.

Approach/Value: ICG – in collaboration with few partner R&D chemical labs – could satisfy a client’s requirements and to provide new formulations based on chlorine and amines.