ICG Consulting provides benchmarking services to our global clients since 1998.

Comparing own business indicators vs. those with competitors or average in the market is a good tool to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

We do Benchmarking as part of Market Research, Company Study, Business Consulting, and Engineering Consulting – and as standalone projects; currently ICG Consulting supports the following types of Benchmarking projects:

We use various sources for benchmarking data – making interviews with stakeholders, customer surveys as well as actively utilizing online and offline databases and other desk sources (such as corporate financial reports, etc.).

ICG Consulting typically makes entire Benchmarking projects – but also we may provide job in Benchmarking particular stages:

  • Identification and adjustment of benchmarking indicators
  • Identification and selection of companies to compare with
  • Identification of data sources for benchmarking indicators
  • Benchmarking data collection (with surveys/interviews, databases and other desk sources)
  • Benchmarking calculations
  • Analysis of benchmarking results

Thus our customers may select either we do a Benchmarking entire project – or just any part of it (while other parts to be completed with a client or third parties).